Your Marketing is a Reflection of Your Company Culture - Here's How:
HR conferences and professionals preach the importance of company culture, and they are right. Good corporate culture is key to a successful company. Additionally, your company’s marketing is a direct reflection of your culture. So, as you may have assumed, it is key that your culture is well-developed, woke, and very pristinely professional. Your office-mates don’t have to give high-fives every time they walk by a cubicle to prove there is good company culture.
There is no denying it; your marketing reflects your company culture.
There are a few things to look at when identifying if your marketing and company culture are aligned.
1: You need to look at your company reviews, which reveal how others feel about your culture (and services).
Websites like Glassdoor are an excellent way to gauge how employees feel about your culture. With an anonymous option, employees can comment on their company’s pros and cons. As an employer, it is a great idea to check Glassdoor to see how people feel about the company every once in a while. Don’t get caught up on the small stuff. But, if there are recurring ideas, complaints (or praises), you can get a sense of how others are feeling about the culture while they can stay anonymous and honest. Don’t forget that sites like Glassdoor are popular online destinations for people applying to work at your company. With a good culture and proud employees, others will want to work at your company!
A good culture markets itself.
2: Internal assessments of your culture are key; you may feel one way, but your coworkers would 100% disagree.
Polling and gathering opinion data from your employees is a great way to see how people feel about your culture without going on Glassdoor. A lot of times HR has internal professionals that do work like that; however, if you are a smaller organization, you may think about gathering data with Google Forms or a similar application. There is power and meaning with internally collecting opinions of the company culture. Additionally, don’t forget that listening can also provide you with a lot of information. People are many times open books about their feelings about their company culture. Ask around, listen, and never be too important or too busy to grab coffee with a coworker who wants to see a change in the culture. From there, your marketing can be enhanced. One thing you will never see waver is the pride that comes from employees at The Dillon Ross Group. We support one another, post one another's work, and continually give each other shoutouts on social media. Want to know why we do it? Check out our blog here, and don’t be scared to click around our website to see why our work makes us proud.
3. What is your marketing saying, and how are consumers taking it? Just because your consumers may like your marketing does not necessarily mean it is appropriately reflecting your culture. Marketing is key to getting your company recognized for its amazingness. Now, we all know that your logo, copy, social media presence, among other things, affects the way consumers see your company. But, on a deeper level, you must know what your marketing is saying to consumers. Your marketing may have a specific voice, style, and jargon-usage, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is reflecting your company.
It's all one formula: Culture=Marketing+Company (over x, of course).
Contact The Dillon Ross Group for advice on perfecting your marketing, analyzing your company culture, and becoming more profitable through our many diverse, reliable avenues. We are proud of what we do; let us be proud of what you do.