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This is Your Year for Better Digital Marketing Campaigns

Do you have the creation of a digital marketing campaign in mind? Before pen hits the paper, an email is sent, or a word is written, you need to plan the stages of your campaign. 

Five stages can be expected for every digital marketing campaign; without them, your campaign could have holes in the conception or execution. In our current society, where the average person picks up their cell phone hundreds of times more than books or newspapers, it is imperative that your digital campaign is attractive and can out-interest any average consumer. There are hundreds of thousands of digital campaigns floating around Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. 

Organization, planning, and strong execution are all keys to ensuring your digital campaign pops up on every cell phone in America.

Stage one is the planning and determining what your campaign is supposed to do. What consumers are you targeting? Why are you even running the campaign? How is your campaign different from a competitor’s? All these questions need to be answered in stage one of a digital marketing campaign. As you collaborate with a branding agency, your team, or both, grab a few multi-colored dry erase markers and answer the first round of questions. If a digital marketing campaign is launched with no target audience, reason, or a unique style, you may as well not run it. There is never anything wrong with looking at what’s working around you and taking pointers from there. If a campaign you really admire is expanding after the first few months of the campaign, look at why. You can rest assured that they are winning because they planned. 

The second stage is digitizing your campaign’s lifecycle. Stage two is when your creativity gets to shine through. All of your campaign’s social media posts, articles, and web presence ideas need to be digitized. That may be taking sketches and transferring them to an Adobe creation, the contacting of a brand/digital marketing agency, or using your in-house copywriting and creative team to determine a voice for your campaign. No longer what, but how is your campaign going to say what it wants to say? Will that be orange and black or white and grey? Are you going to post blogs about it or pump out interactive Instagram content? Do you need informal or formal language and fonts? Polling, analyzing other campaigns, and reaching out or researching top-performing campaigns are great extra steps for stage two. 

Stage three is examining the data. Data analyzation is one of the most critical stages of a campaign’s life -- it forces you to ask yourself: Is this campaign working? (If not, what can you change to make it more robust and attractive to the right consumer?). When looking at the analytical information, make sure that your consumer interaction is profitable. Let’s say you are a small smoothie cafe. If your Instagram is reaching 300 local consumers a month, but after a consumer survey, only 1-5 people come physically into your cafe because of your Instagram posts, think of how you can increase that number. Would a rewards program work? Do you need better SEO implementation? 

If you are stuck on stage two or have the next big idea, contact The Dillon Ross Group, and we can help turn your idea into a plan with robust results.

Fourth, you need to stay within what you can afford and can do. If your campaign is going well, but you want to expand by doubling in size, you need to see if it will be worth it. If the campaign is your first as the smoothie cafe, maybe think of free or cheap additions you can make to the campaign. Can you strategically theme your Instagram to be more visually appealing (read about our tips for Instagram themes here), or use apps like TikTok (read our ideas here) to increase your consumer outreach? Being realistic is the first step to ensuring the fourth stage is a success. Next, identify if you even want to expand your current campaign or start a new campaign that could be even bigger than the last one. Be strategic in the fourth stage. 

You know what your consumers want, produce it.

The last stage of any digital campaign is to compile the lessons you learned from the previous four stages and quantify your losses and gains. Learning from one digital campaign and applying those lessons to the next is the best practice. A helpful way to visually see your losses, profits, areas of strength, etc.. could be a SWOT analysis as creative and comprehensive as your campaign. 

Be proud of your digital marketing campaign. It can be a lot of work, the completion of all five stages is a huge accomplishment. Whether this is your first, hundredth, or millionth campaign, there are always lessons to be learned. Let The Dillon Ross Group prove to you why we will bring modern, creative, and profitable ideas to your campaign. 


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