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3 Reasons You Need a Reliable Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing strategies are what sets your company ahead of its competition in the battle to attract consumers. In 2020, digital marketing strategies can no longer focus only on your new merchandise; it needs to announce employee recognition or partnerships publicly and prove your place in the market. As we enter 2020, new tech changes, computer and cellular applications, and sharp strategies are needed to match the latest trends. Trends in 2019 were some of the most ravishing that the market has seen in years. LinkedIn took a new, strong lead in internal marketing housing capabilities. Twitter and Instagram became a blend of consumer and business opportunities, and brands began to use other ways of marketing to attract talent, consumers, and collaboration initiatives. There is no putting off creating your digital strategy anymore; 2020 is your year. 

Why should I have a digital marketing strategy? 

There are three key reasons to have a digital marketing strategy—better consumer relationships, opportunities to connect with top talent, and the chance to overstep your main competitors. The Dillon Ross Group knows what it takes to help your company achieve profitable gains; let us do our premium quality work for you.  

When crafting a digital marketing strategy, consumers need to be at the forefront of every decision. Although your tech start-up may have started with an idea that was relevant in 2015, there is never a guarantee that your ideas are still relevant. If consumers are no longer utilizing your services, you need to use a well-planned and engaging digital strategy to revamp. Start by seeing what it takes to attract and comprehend what your market, consumers, and competitors and what they are doing, wanting, or trying. If you started your start-up with the focus of digitizing payroll and scheduling, but you’re being edged out by Microsoft Teams, Workday Inc, or Kronos Workforce Ready, a digital marketing strategy will help narrow down your specific consumers or help you decide to transition into creating a service that fills a market gap opposed to trying to fill one that’s already full. There may be a huge market gap in your industry or location and need for smaller, personalized HCM systems. With the right digital strategy, you can identify the gap and then go on to fill it. If your company is new, mid-life, or repositioning itself in the market, check out The Dillon Ross Group’s portfolio and see what we can bring to the table for you. 

In today’s economy, every company on the globe is looking to recruit top talent. Top talent in 2020 looks wildly different than it did in 2019. Some of the largest marketing-dominating companies are shifting to hiring holistically and balancing their use of internal and external recruiting. If your company is looking to add fresh faces to your team, you are going to need to compete with a lot of other companies. 

With a nicely-manicured, intriguing digital market strategy, your culture (that you know is better than your local competitor’s culture) can shine. 

Whether you are showing off your casual Friday trend or your work-life balance initiatives, a robust digital marketing strategy can prove to the talent that you are the best place to work. Stop relying on Glassdoor reviews to prove what you know is right; let your digital marketing strategy speak too.  

When you see your main competitors (you know who they are) showing off their latest hire’s accomplishment, new partnership, or fresh new aqua-blue hair accessories, they are using their digital marketing strategy to reach a broad audience. If you are using the same old Instagram campaign from 2015, or an outdated header on all of your pitch emails, you need to update your digital marketing strategy. If the consumer market sees that you’re posting clear, attractive job opportunities, using sharp images and graphics in your emails/promotional material, and offering services relevant to the local consumer, you will start edging ahead of your competitor. If you know your company needs an updated digital marketing strategycontact The Dillon Ross Group and see what we can do for you. 

Sometimes, an updated digital marketing strategy can fix simple mistakes (check out our article on how to create and commit to an Instagram theme here). Stop letting outdated trends determine your digital marketing strategy. Take the lead on your digital marketing strategy today!


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