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How to Make Your Favorite TV Shows Boost Your Marketing
The hit TV series, Sex and the City, showed us exactly how TV & marketing were connected.

Marketing Takes on The Chicken and the Egg
What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Your Company Culture Does Appear More in Your Marketing
Culture prevails and helps other things as well.

How Meetings Can Spark Great Marketing Strategies
Meetings are an essential way to develop and devise a robust marketing strategy that helps companies grow & position themselves effectively.

Staying Woke in 2020 is the New Necessary
It's 2020 - stay woke.

Why You Need to Utilize YouTube For Your Small Business
YouTube is more today than it was ten years ago. If your business isn't already, it should be on YouTube and it should be active!

Solutions to the Top 3 Mistakes Your Small Retail Business is Making
Is your small retail business maximizing its potential? Find out if you're making the three most common mistakes in retail and fix them!

3 Questions You Must Ask About Your Logo
When designing a logo, you must ask yourself these three questions about it to make sure it's the right logo for your business.

Instagram Stories are the Hottest New Social Media Asset
Instagram Stories are a great, free tool to utilize for your businesses Instagram. Utilize it and create engaging content!

3 Additions to Look For in All Blog Posts
Blogging is an incredible way to create written content for the internet. By blogging for your website, in time, you will rank higher!

4 Fascinating Reasons to Work in the Digital Marketing Field
Digital marketing offers many kinds of people the opportunity to find their inner creative self. Or not, it will be whatever you make of it.

3 Easy Ways to Market Your Medical Practice Differently
Your doctors office doesn't need to be dreaded by your patients. Elevate your practices' branding and marketing to help.

What Makes a PPC Campaign Successful? Look at These 3 Elements
PPC campaigns can add a lot of value to your business, if executed correctly. We highlight three important elements to remember!

It's Time to Streamline Your Content for Profit
The power of content marketing is incredible. Use it to your advantage and streamline a profit flow for your company!

Increase Sales This Valentine's Day With These Tips
Valentine's Day for restaurants is an amazing opportunity to increase sales! Here are a few tips to do so!

It's Time for SEO and Social Media Strategies to Be Linked
Social media plays an integral part to a successful SEO strategy, and vice versa. It's time for them to be linked. Read more!
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